Ensuring Data Privacy and Compliance: Flowsecure's EU-Based Data Storage

Ensuring Data Privacy and Compliance: Flowsecure's EU-Based Data Storage

Flowsecure.io prioritizes GDPR compliance and data security by storing client data within the European Union. This approach ensures robust data protection, simplifies compliance efforts for our clients, and enhances operational security.

In today's digital age, safeguarding data privacy underpins the trust between businesses and their clients. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets a high standard for data protection, offering significant rights to individuals and imposing obligations on entities that process personal data. At Flowsecure.io, we're fully aligned with these principles, ensuring our data storage practices within the European Union not only comply with GDPR but also secure our clients' data integrity.

Why EU-Based Data Storage Is Key

The GDPR facilitates the free movement of personal data within the EU, maintaining uniform data protection standards across member states. This regulatory environment ensures that personal data enjoys robust protection, regardless of where it's stored in the EU. By choosing to store data in the EU, Flowsecure leverages these standards, offering our clients the highest level of data security and compliance​​​​.

The Benefits for Our Clients

  • Robust Data Protection: Storing data in the EU means our clients' information benefits from the world's most stringent data protection measures.
  • Simplified Compliance: Our EU-based data storage simplifies the path to legal compliance with GDPR for our clients, allowing them to focus on their core business.
  • Operational Security: Our commitment to EU data storage standards enhances our resilience and ensures the security of our data management practices​​.

Flowsecure.io's Commitment

At Flowsecure.io, we view ourselves as partners in your business journey, navigating the complexities of data protection together. Our EU-based data storage policy reflects our dedication to upholding data privacy and security standards. We continuously evolve our processes to align with GDPR requirements, aiming to support our clients in maintaining compliance.


Navigating data protection laws can be challenging, but Flowsecure.io is here to make it simpler and more secure. By prioritizing GDPR compliance and EU-based data storage, we provide a foundation for success, ensuring that your data is protected with the utmost care. Join us in setting a new standard for data privacy and security in the digital age.

This condensed overview highlights Flowsecure.io's approach to GDPR compliance and the importance of EU-based data storage, underscoring our commitment to data privacy and security.

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